Although my Samsung is on it's last leg due to being dropped on the ground and in water by a certain little boy of mine, I still take pictures with it every chance I get :). It is so easy to snap quick pics since I have it all the time (when it works)! Enjoy some photos from our summer :).
Will has been going through a scared phase at night and doesn't like to sleep alone sometimes. One night Daddy was really tired and would not let him sleep with us. I went to check on the boys that night (as I always do to steal one last kiss) and could not find Will! I went to Carter's room and found this... sweetest thing EVER!
Loving the Kindle at Nana and Papaw's.
The boys have LOVED catching fireflies (I called them lightning bugs as a kid:)) this summer! Nana is a great leader in their search :).
Cash can talk Carter into anything, which sometimes makes my life easy :).
Pool time with Nana. This was in late May/early June. I am amazed at his progress since then. My boys have the most special Nana ever!!!
We loved VBS and made so many fun crafts!!!
Carter loves his new hat from Sissy :). Cute little blue-eyed angel!
Amy teaching Brylin some swimming moves :)
Does he look so old in this, or is it just me?! What a handsome little boy!
Little cutie!
Well... hide the clippers daddy!!! Will is on the loose! Yes, Will you really did this. You and I cried together about it. Now, I can laugh about and hope that your brother never does it!!!
Monster's U with Cash... bff's!
Sweet cousins! #countrylivin :)
Bungee jumping at the mall... my boys loved this!
Summer and the livin' is for this boy! Bombpops have been a necessity since May - we consume at least a box per week!
John Deere boys.
Fresh new fade... love this adorable/precious boy!