We had a wonderful weekend in Collierville. Friday night, The Pollans came over and had dinner with us and it was so much fun catching up and playing with sweet Ella! Saturday, I got to go shopping ALL BY MYSELF while Eddie stayed with the boys! And Sunday, we went to church, ate lunch and took the boys to Bass Pro Shop to meet Santa. Here is the TERRIBLE part, my camera is messed up :(... the Santa pictures are so blurry. The boys did really well. I did get a copy from the elves at Bass Pro, so I will try to scan it in soon.
The whole point of the title of the blog, this is Eddie's new quote for Will anytime he does anything bad until Christmas. Saturday when I got back from shopping, Eddie told me Will was acting bad and he sat him down and said Santa Clause is watching you and you will not get presents if you are bad... Will nodded his head yes (this worked for about 10 minutes maybe :)), but I thought it was an adorable story! Now, it is the theme around our house... I think it is hilarious!
Will hit Carter two times over the past week... well daddy decided to help Carter get some revenge below :)!

Me and my sweet boys :)... Carter apparently did not want to be in the picture!

Our wild little monkey running around before church; I love him to pieces! OH and he stayed in the nursery like a big boy at church! We were so proud of him!

Carter was talking to me before church and Eddie snapped a picture... I think he is saying "have you ever seen a baby as cute as ME, mom?" :)

I took quite of few pictures of Ella and Will in action Friday night, but most were blurry :(! Here are a few below!
Ella loved playing the exersaucer... she was bringing down the house!!! HILARIOUS!

Ella and Will going after the ball...

It would have been cute to get a sitting still picture, but not happening for Will this night... he was out of control! I think he was trying to impress Ella! She is an adorable, loving baby girl! Ashley and Nick, bring her over anytime; I like to love on little girls :)!

I hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas this year. We love everyone!