Will is my little stinker; he is not a bad boy, just very curious. I have learned sometimes that if I let him figure out how things work, he will leave them alone. He wants to be just like his daddy and has many of Eddie's personality traits already, but he is still his momma's angel. He loves walking up and down our stairs, he loves the movie A Bug's Life, LOVES Christmas lights, snowglobes, counting to 6 and much more that I can't think of right now! We are looking forward to his excitement during Christmas this year!
Here are some pictures of my big boy!
He is sitting up for shorts periods of time now, rolling over some, loving his exersaucer and chewing on anything in sight. He has a bottom tooth that is ALMOST here; hopefully the slobber will slow down a little :). His daddy is his hero... he just stares at him in amazement and loves him to death; however, he is still his momma's little boy also :)! Oh, and he looks just like Eddie!
Here are some updated pics!
2 precious boys!! Hope to see yall soon.. Christmas will be so much fun this year.
I love Will's hair. He is such a doll! I love how he's developing his own little personality.
As for Carter, those eyes melt my heart. He's growing up so fast. Let's get together real soon!
Call us if you're in town this weekend! Love you guys!
Oh Steph, I loved the updates! They are growing so much! I love their monogrammed shirts!
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