Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter 2010

We had such a wonderful Easter! We heard a wonderful message at Collierville Baptist Church, took advantage of the beautiful weather, hunted Easter eggs and Eddie grilled a wonderful meal that night. It was a perfect day spent with precious family!!! Enjoy the pictures... I got a little carried away!

The Easter bunny left the kiddos some fun things in their baskets. Carter's basket is on the left and Will's basket is on the right.

Will was excited... after all of the toys he got last week and the basket full of goodies, he is a little spoiled :).
Look what the Easter bunny brought this proud little boy!

It was all about the "peeps" for our little Carter :).
Will was trying to open a toy for Carter.
Daddy and his little boys after church. I have such HANDSOME boys!

My little love bugs... I could not be more proud of my boys!

Ta-da... Seriously, does it get any cuter than this :)???

Will was being a silly goose... he is such a little stinker!
I held one arm for Carter for pictures and his big brother held the other. They were ADORABLE in their matching outfits.

Love it!
Their laughs are the cutest that I have ever heard! I could just eat them up!
Will was ready to hunt eggs

Momma helped Carter pick up a few :). He was worn and took a long nap after this picture!
Have a great week everyone!!!


Ashley Pollan said...

Looks like y'all had a great Easter!! Those boys are so stinkin cute :) Talk to you soon!!

The Gapens said...

I love their outfits. It sounds like you guys had a perfect weekend. You have two sweet little boys!