Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day weekend

I could not have asked for a more perfect Mother's Day weekend. I first, have to show off my little guy. I have not uploaded pictures in a while and this is one of the first pictures that I took of him standing alone :).

Eddie had to work last weekend, so we grilled for the Chittoms Saturday night. We enjoyed having them over... the boys had a blast.

Aunt Toni and Will; he loved having her at our house!!!

Nana and Carter having fun. Nana is so good to us; Will and Carter are lucky to have such a sweet Nana who loves them so much!


Uncle Heath and Carter. He nicknamed him the cheesepuff king b/c he stuck an entire cheese puff in his mouth :)!!!

Papaw Chittom and Will making silly sounds

Aunt Toni and Carter

Sunday morning, the boys and I headed to Booneville for church with my family. We ate at my aunt's house afterwords with my grandmother and played at my mom and dad's house that afternoon.

Me and my adorable little guys after church... they were such good boys at church, I might add. I am so thankful to be their momma and thank God for them everyday.

My precious mother and 4 of her 7 grandboys. Carter and Brylin were both napping and Cash was way too busy for a picture! My mom is a wonderful person, mom and mamaw and we would all be lost without her!

Sissy with her boys! I can't believe how big they are! It makes me feel really old...

I had to get one of Cash and Will... they are at their dirt pile, as usual :)!

Will is hiding, but really enjoyed his 4-wheeler ride with Mamaw, Cash and Colton.

Aunt Sissy and Will... he kept saying "hey Sissy" :)!

My Aunt Brenda came to visit that afternoon, as well. She loved on my baby Carter! I think that she and my mom favor. We love her so much, as well!

I tried to get a picture of Carter and Mamaw, but he would not cooperate!

Will loving his mamaw :)!

And on Monday, I got the pleasure of staying home with my sick little Carter man. He has an ear infection and cold. He doesn't let it stop him at all though and he enjoyed being home with momma alone :)!

I hope all of the sweet mothers that read this had a great day on Sunday!!!


Ashley Pollan said...

So glad you had a fabulous Mother's Day! You deserve it. And I especially love all the new pictures! Thanks for sharing :)

The Gapens said...

Glad you had a great Mother's Day weekend! I know you were thrilled to have so many visitors. ;)

Happy 'Late' Mother's Day!