Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy 1st birthday, Carter!

Last Monday, June 7th, Carter turned ONE! I must say, that up to the big day, he had a really rough time. He caught a stomach bug and was sick Thursday and Friday, so we had to cancel his party. To top it off, he had to get antibiotic shots three days in a row for a double ear infection :(. At least he didn't have one on his birthday! All of the sickness did not slow the little guy down. He loved all of the attention, presents, and chocolate that he got on his birthday.

Updates... He is a professional walker now, although he still crawls if it gets him from A to B faster. His new favorite word is hot. He says it when he eats, when he gets in the bathtub, when he is outside, etc. He loves to wave and say bye bye or hi right now and throw things, following up with uh-oh (he learned this from Will). He also says whoa and yay. He and his big brother are besties... nobody in the world can make Carter belly laugh like Will. Here are some pictures of my precious little guy on his birthday.

Good morning to my precious little birthday boy :)!
Opening his card from Will...

And his present from Will... he got him a neat tool bench
Carter with his first cupcake. I have fed him sweet stuff here and there, but I have not given him a whole piece before. Let's just say he loved it...
Can you tell?

I think my hands need to be wiped now, Momma :)!
Eddie pretty much worked 24 hours a day last week for the tournament, so I loaded the boys up to go see him. Carter wanted to see his daddy on his first birthday, but all the festivities and bath wore him out...
I love this picture... my very very handsome three boys. They are my world!
Daddy took us for a ride around the course. The boys had a ball. Carter waved and said bye bye each time we passed someone.
The boys telling their daddy bye. They each had small meltdowns when we left :(.
We had a blast celebrating his 1st birthday. I love my adorable little 1 year old!!!


The Gapens said...

Happy 1st Birthday! I hate he was so sick, especially so close to his birthday. I don't think you guys could have celebrated his birthday any better! :)

Also, I bet you are hearing "hot" a lot because it's such a scorcher outside! He's such a sweet boy!

The Simpsons said...

Happy 1st birthday Carter. Im sorry he was sick before his birthday.. but at least he was ok enough to go see his daddy on the big day. I can't wait to see him walking!! I love that him and will are best buddies. that is too sweet. Call us next time yall come in town.. we would love to see yall.

The Martins said...

Happy birthday Carter!!! Gosh, I can't believe he is already 1. Both your boys are so precious.

Misty said...

Poor Eddie, he looks exhausted in those pictures! Happy First Birthday Carter!!!

Tina said...

Happy birthday, Carter! Hope you are feeling much, much better now!