Saturday, September 18, 2010

15 months old

Our precious little Carter was 15 months on the 7th. I am amazed at how much he has learned in the past month. People always say that the youngest grows up faster than the first, and I think it is totally true. His vocabulary has increased, he now uses a spoon to eat, he is learning to count and is identifying he body parts like a pro! He is his daddy's biggest fan and adores his big brother MOST of the time :). Here are some pictures.

He was clapping and yelling "Yay" because his daddy was home.

Will taught him how to climb up the slide.

He LOVES to ride Will's tractor... sometimes more than Will!

He is pretty stinkin cute in a hat :).

The picture below is my favorite... the boys expressions are priceless. Love my boys; all 3!

I am currently debating a hair cut (trim); I adore his hair, but am often told that he looks like a girl and his daddy thinks it is time. What do you guys think?

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

As if I even NEED to answer that question...Leave that beautiful hair alone!!!! :)