Tuesday, February 22, 2011

20 months old

So, I am quite late on this post this month. Carter bug was 20 months on the 7th. Where has my baby gone... he looks so big and acts so big now. He is a little chatter box and is such a smart little boy. Here are some pictures:

Well... we had a bit of a bad hair day :). I wish I was this cute on a bad hair day!

He paused from the slide to give me this precious smile.
He, with a combination of his brother, keep us on our toes at all times. They have been keeping their daddy busy. When I get home from work at night, they attack me like two little monkeys and whoever is the last to mom (which is usually my poor little CT) falls down on the floor crying because they did not hug me first. It is the best time of my day.