Sunday, April 10, 2011

You are FUN

The boys had a busy and fun weekend. Saturday, they had a birthday party at Chuckie Cheese for sweet Brayden. Eddie and I split them up and ran around with them; they had a blast. Will was not scared AT ALL this time and even gave Chuckie-Cheese high five! Sadly, no pictures :(. After I got home from work, we put up big boy swings for the boys, grilled and played outside until dark. Daddy even made a fire in the fire pit, which they thought was super cool. Will's new phrase of the weekend is "You are fun". Today, Eddie and Carter took a nap after church and while Will and I were playing, he said, "Momma, you are fun; Daddy and Carter are no fun" :). Of course, when they woke up, he told them they were fun too. I am so amazed with his speech progress. It gets better every day and we are so proud of him!!! Here are some pictures! Big boys... This is in the blog below, but I love it... sweet Carter bug!

Our precious Will. He swang ALL day long Saturday and today. He loves it...
The fire pit...
Two peas in a pod. Will is Eddie's mini me for sure!
After church and lunch. This was my little shadow today.
Silly boys... I loved swinging on my belly when I was little, so I taught them today. It was a hit!
SWEET, SWEET brothers. They are our world!

I hope everyone was able to enjoy this beautiful weather this weekend! We sure did!!!

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