Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away...

Monday, I had some sad little boys who wanted to play outside. Again...

So, I gave them cookies and it made it all better

Annnnd then, on Tuesday, the sun was shining. I checked the backyard and didn't see much, so I figured it would be okay to let them play. WRONG.. they found the only mud puddle in our backyard and had a blast.

So, I decided to let them play until they were content. Carter jumping in...

What a nasty boy! He loved his life this afternoon. Before I hosed him down!

And put them in the bathtub.... small meltdowns occurred before we made it here.

But at last, pop-pops cured it all.

Eddie... the mud is your turn next time :). Love my sweet boys!

1 comment:

The Robertsons said...

Leave it to little boys to find the mud! They sure make it look like fun. I am sure mom had just as much fun cleaning it up!