Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tennessee River Run

We went to Pickwick lake with the Tapps this past Friday. It was Carter's first time on a boat and he LOVED it. We all had a blast. Afterwords, we headed to Hagy's Catfish Hotel and enjoyed a wonderful dinner. It was such a fun day :)!

Carter bug... he was not scared at all. He kept calling the lake a creek... it took a while to convince him to say lake.

Will was very excited, as well

We stopped at the waterfall and the boys enjoyed throwing rocks and swimming in the lake.

3 very sweet little boys.

Splashing fun!

Carter got a little out of hand with rock throwing and finally calmed down to enjoy the view.

My excited little Will

Carter did not let go of his cup that had ice water in it for most of the afternoon.

My world... I love this picture of my handsome guys

And, of course, this one! Life was good for these two.

Carter started throwing his ice overboard. Porter thought he was funny.

Porter and Shae-Shae. He asked me to take this picture.

My silly little dude

Carter going back for more ice. He looks guilty, huh?!

My snuggle time with Will

Carter and Porter dancing

I love Carter's facial expression in this picture.

And this is my life 99% of the time... juggling two little guys :). Love them to pieces.

The Tapp fam... what a precious picture!

An end to a fun day... the boys soaked in every minute and had a blast. They also slept really hard that night :).

Thanks so much for taking us, Justin and Shae! We can't wait until next year :)!

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

What a fun day! I loved all the pictures of your precious boys! I'm so glad we got to see you guys this weekend!