Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. We stayed the night with Nana and Papaw on Wednesday night, headed to my grandmother's for lunch on Thursday, followed by Eddie's aunt Reba's that afternoon and ended at my mom's house for dinner that night. We have such an amazing family and are blessed beyond anything that we deserve. Enjoy the pictures.

Carte bug and Papaw waiting on everyone to get ready.
Will and Papaw

We had a great time at my grandmothers. There are always lots of kiddos ready to play, along with wonderful food and dessert.

Amy, me and Carter.

Cash Bailey enjoying his lunch.

It was a beautiful day, so the boys played outside at grandmothers and had a blast. The enjoyed throwing leaves with Colton.

We then headed to Eddie's aunt Reba's house. Eddie's cousin has a set of 3 month old twins and Carter LOVES babies. He loved them to death and called them "precious"! I love the picture below.

Carter also very much enjoyed playing with his uncle Heath - they are big buddies and they even dressed alike.

Daddy giving our little man a lift.

I love this sweet face! Will loved all of the Christmas decorations.

Carter talking to the puppy.

Will tried to "ride" the reindeer.

We eat with my immediate family and the Anglins each Thanksgiving. Again, more wonderful food and great time with family.

Ann and Sissy

Ann's pretty girls, Zoe, Jalan and Portia.

Jordan and Brandon

My precious family! We love our sweet boys to pieces :)!

Again... :)!

I hope everyone else had a very blessed day!

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

Cute family! I love the two family pictures. Both Will & Carter are busy looking and smiling at someone or something.

Sweet family...