Monday, May 17, 2010

11 Months Old

Our little Carter-bug was 11 months old on May 7th... where has the time gone? He is such a big boy now! He has still not been brave enough to walk across the floor yet, but he walks holding on to things and has some really strong legs. It won't be too much longer!

He has expanded his vocabulary. He now says: momma, da-da (ALL THE TIME), Nona, Nana, O-o's (for cheerios) and hey. He also still loves to clap his hands, make car noises and his newest trick is smacking his lips. He follows his brother everywhere and hangs right in with him.

He is our precious little angel and we enjoy watching him learn! Here are some pictures... ENJOY!

Little monkey!
Getting ready to smack :)!
LOVE HIM! Happy 11 months to our sweet Carter-bug!!!
His birthday falls during Eddie's tournament week, so we don't plan on having his party until a couple of weeks after his birthday.
Have a great week, everyone!


The Gapens said...

What a fun age? I love how long his hair is getting, and I love his legs!!!

The Robertsons said...

Great pictures! Watch out when Carter starts running!