Sunday, March 13, 2011

21 Months Old

Carter was 21 months old on the 7th. Is it just me or do the months feel like they are flying by? It is not much longer until his 2nd birthday!

He is one precious child. He is becoming a little daddy's boy lately, but it goes back and forth. He made up a song about his daddy, which goes - "daddy, daddy, daddy" and then he claps and gets excited after he sings it. He loves to talk and I am amazed with all that he says. He loves anything to do with outside, eating and playing his little heart out. Oh and let's not forget.. suckers... he would eat a million if we let him.

Very excited about this sucker... Mrs. Kathy gave it to him for Valentine's day and I let him have it after church.

He and his brother have developed a love/hate relationship. On this particular morning, they snuggled together, but the next minute they might have been fighting. Should this really start this early?!?! Eddie tells me I am in for a rude awakening with two boys!!!
I love the picture below... it shows off his beautiful face!

His hero...

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

Sweet boy! I love that picture of his sweet face. He's beautiful!