Monday, August 15, 2011

It's what I love about Sunday

Family time that is... :). We went to church on Sunday and ate lunch with Daddy. Afterwords, I had a baby shower in Corinth, so the boys andI took advantage of grilled hamburgers at my mom's for supper after. The boys had a blast playing with Cash and with his toys and, of course, riding 4 wheelers with their Papaw and big cousins. The weather was simply amazing and it was a wonderful afternoon/night.

We had promotion Sunday this past week and Carter is officially "attending" Sunday School. He cries until I get out of the door, but eventually stops. When we got there to get him, he yelled "Hey Momma and Daddy" from across the room. Sweet boy. Will is a pro. His Sunday School teacher loves him and totally understand why. He has such a sweet heart and is such a loving little boy. I know he will love preschool in JUST 2 weeks.
When we got to my mom's house, Cash fixed Carter a bowl of cereal... it was pretty sweet.

Carter getting a little push up the hill from Mammaw. We don't have those in our yard!

SO, Will absolutely LOVED Cash's gator! Santa, take notes... what a handsome dude, huh?

I can't resist myself when one of the boys let me take pictures of them... I love the 3 below of Carter. My sweet angel.

And, I absolutely ADORE this picture. Will loves his Papaw and this one is a framer for sure.

Pop-pop break with their sweet Mammaw

Will was in heaven with all of Cash's John Deere tractors.

Carter LOVES animals. My parents have a new kitty named Stella and Carter was infatuated. He was gentle most of the time. He asked to take it home and I told him no way... gives them something to look forward to in Booneville.

He was waving to cars that passed by... what a sweet greeter.

Brandon and Jordan rode Cash around on the 4 wheeler after supper. Life was good for these kiddos.

We had a wonderful day and look forward to more outside fun in this great weather!!!

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

What a fun day!

I LOVE the picture of Will with your sweet!

I want to go to Mammaw & Pappaw's house! It looks like so much fun!!!

Sweet, sweet family...