Sunday, March 25, 2012

Carter's 1st day of School

Our little Carter bug started in the 2 year old class a Will's school on March 1st. He loved Mrs. Kathy, aka Nonna, so much, but he was starting to get bored and we wanted him to be around more kiddos his age.
His daddy decided to take him on first day, since he has a hard time separating from momma. That is the only day that he has been dropped off that he didn't cry :(. His teachers, Ms. Molly and Ms. Zina, love him and assure me that he is fine once we are out of sight. He has learned so much over the course of the past few weeks and is really excited about the potty since starting. I am impressed with him every day and am so proud to have such a smart and well behaved little 2 year old!
The night before his big day... :)
He carried his backpack around most of the night.
It feels kind of crazy taking two backpacks and supplies for both boys.

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