Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter 2012

At 5:00 am on Easter morning, our little Carter bug woke me up to tell me that the Easter bunny left him a lot of fun stuff, but that there was nothing for Will. I went to the living room and the little stinker moved everything from Will's bucket to his bucket. After a brief talk with him on why he what he did was bad, I told him that they Easter bunny said he couldn't touch his stuff until 7:30 :).. it got him back to bed, luckily!

Will and Carter's buckets :). They each got a Cars playdough set (which has been a big hit), movies, bubbles, a book, candy and stickers :).

So, when I went to wake them up, they were SO excited this year. They held hands and ran downstairs to see their loot, but I didn't have my camera. It was very sweet though!

Carter showing me his movie.

We went to our church and enjoyed a wonderful message about our Risen Lord, ate lunch and took a few pictures. Will wasn't looking, but I love the full profile. He was too handsome! He was so proud of his belt :).

And here is the little spitfire, looking adorable in his sweet outfit.

Me and my handsome boys. Love, love, love them!

A couple of shots where they actually stood beside each other:). Carter is almost as big as Will!

Again... are they not the cutest?!

All of my boys on Easter... I LOVE this picture. I must brag and say that I have some very handsome boys below :).

After pictures, we headed to Booneville for some family time and an egg hunt.

Carter riding the tractor with his Papaw.

Again with Will... he would ride them as long as they let him. Papaw loves his boys!

I wonder what Nana and Carter are talking about... he looks deep in thought.

My little Carter bug loving life. Nana and Papaw bought the boys new rain boots. They loved them and wore them the rest of the day! Thanks for the boots :)... they get a lot of use with these two boys!

My little Will... love this picture!

After playing for a couple of hours, we headed to hunt Easter eggs with the Stennett crew. Little did Will know that Papaw and Mammaw had a BIG surprise for him. Since February, he has told my daddy that he wanted a blue 4wheeler for his birthday and they got one for him. He LOVES it. Thanks so much :) He took his cousin Cash for a ride.

Their crazy momma left their buckets at home; however, their mammaw had extras. All of the kids really enjoyed hunting this year. Will and Carter each found one egg with money, which made them happy!

Sweet Cash

Colton helping Carter with his candy.

The boys and the Wilson crew, minus Brandon

After hunting eggs, my momma prepared an amazing meal and all of the boys played until they dropped. We had a very blessed and fun day!

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

I love, love, love the story about Carter on Easter morning! That is hilarious!

You do have some handsome boys, and they are super lucky to have such a sweet and beautiful momma!

So glad y'all had a great Easter!