Saturday, June 9, 2012

Carter bug's 3rd birthday!

Carter turned 3 on Thursday... okay, BIG TEAR for his momma.  It is so bittersweet as they grow older, but especially bittersweet the MY baby is 3 and is officially a big boy.  Brace yourself... lots of narrative and pictures below!

Let me tell you a little about this little 3 year old of mine.  He pretty much POTTY trained himself about 3 months ago... he just one day started to go and it was the easiest step of my life (SO YES, I HAVE TWO BOYS OUT OF DIAPERS :)).  He is very smart - he can count to 20, knows his ABC's, colors and is learning his letters.  He loves to hear stories and sing songs.  His favorite meal is pancakes and he loves all fruit.  BUT, he can also drop and throw a fit in 2 seconds flat.... I think 3 will be much more interesting for us than his two's.  He is still very shy around strangers and wants to 'hold' his momma in these situations.

On his big day, when he woke up, I sang Happy Birthday to him, he smiled and then these big TEARS started rolling and he asked me where his balloons were... what a pitiful momma, huh?!  He calmed down, we snuggled, had breakfast and headed to the doctor.  He is 3'4" and weighs 36 lbs.  Will is 3'7" and 42 lbs, so they are very close together.

After the doctor, we went to Booya's for lunch (Carter's choice), went to the zoo, napped, had dinner and cake with Papaw and Nana and headed to Southwind to see daddy.  It was difficult to get many pictures by myself when I was with my two active boys, but I got some cute ones and it was a wonderful day!  Carter, happy, happy birthday!  Enjoy the pictures!
The birthday boy woke up and had his favorite... pancakes!

We love digging for fossils!

They loved the giraffes.  We were even able to feed them, which they enjoyed.  I was not able to get a picture :(, b/c I was helping them, but love the sweet memory!

AND, these are some VERY worn out little boys who were asleep as soon as we got out of the parking lot!  They loved the zoo this year more than they ever have.  Will walked the entire time!

Nana bought her baby a balloon, with a little tip from momma.  Can you tell he loved it?!  What a lucky little boy to have such thoughtful grandparents!

She has bought them dog cakes since Will's 1st birthday.

Checking it out.

She never leaves the other one out!  Will with his turtle cake.

Just after this photo, we lit the candle and Carter took off running!  I hope he has a change of heart before his party!

Opening his present from Will. 

He got an Iron Man and a Thor hammer. 
 We headed to see their daddy.  Daddy works  A LOT right now and our little boys miss him.
This little man was SO HAPPY to see his daddy.   He has asked about Eddie every night this week and begged to see him.

Group pic.... the best we could do!!

Cute little drivers.

The boys LOVE this every time we go. 

He may love golf one day?!

We love the St. Jude tournament every year and visiting daddy at work.  What a cool playground for two little boys?!

They found a bunker and ended up in sand!

Momma and the TIRED birthday boy.  We had a very busy and fun day.  I love this little SPITFIRE 3 year old to pieces and look forward to watching his little personality continue to develop.  He will always be momma's baby!

Who needs shoes?  Helping daddy work!

Will got on the golf cart with Nana and Papaw and we headed home.  An end to a wonderful day with my boys and celebrating Carter's birthday!
We can't wait for his party... invitations are going out on Monday! 

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

What a fun day! Happy Birthday Carter! We can't wait to celebrate with you soon!