Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall 2012 updates

I feel like I don't give updates as much as I should anymore, so here goes!  My boys continue to get bigger and change more and more as the days go by... I can't believe they are 4 and 3. 

Carter recently learned how to swing allll boy himself and doesn't need anything from me when he is outside. I am proud of him, but can't believe how big my baby is now and that I am not standing behind pushing!  At least they both still love to snuggle with me :).  Here are some updates:

Fun fall days!
Carter is still my little spitfire.  He is getting more independent in a lot of ways, but is still his momma's little guy.  He LOVES school and has two amazing teachers this year - he is a very smart little boy.   He cries at church every Sunday when I drop him off and they say he stops when I am out of sight.  He loves to be outside, play ball, ride 4 wheelers, play in dirt, color, learn his letters and numbers.  He is very eager to learn how to write his name, since Will knows how!  He is also extremely organized and if his toys, books and other items are not to his liking, he will let us know.  He has an extremely funny and loving personality, but can turn emotional within seconds.  When I went to TX a while back for work, he thought that I rode in an airplane all week (since that is where he dropped me off) and Eddie said he would wave and say hi to me when he saw an airplane go over the house - ha!  I love watching him grow and continue to develop such a fun personality!

Love this sweet smile annnd...

Still a sucker for those pretty blue eyes!
Will is still the cutest and most curious little boy.  He likes school until about Wednesday of each week and then asks when no-school Saturday  will be here (getting him to go after is a challenge!).  We work on tracing letters and numbers at least a few nights a week.  We do struggle with attention span, but he is so smart when he is able to apply himself (I wish I was more creative!!!).  He loves going to church every week and makes sure that we pray before every meal and before we go to bed each night.  The bedtime prayer can be a bit long, since he has quite the prayer list :), but it is precious to hear.  He is glued to his daddy when he is home and would live in Booneville between each of his grandparents houses in a heartbeat (gorilla tears flow when we bring him home from a visit).  He is all boy... loves 4 wheelers, dirt, playing outside, and has recently become obsessed with any and all electronics - he can work most better than me.  He is also extremely loving and gives the best hugs ever!

Riding the tractor never gets old for this sweet boy!
We can't wait for trick-or-treating soon :)!

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

I loved this post! I can't believe how much they've grown! They are both sweet and smart little boys!