Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy birthday, Mammaw!

My momma's birthday is tomorrow, so we had my family over at our house to grill steaks tonight. My boys adore all of their cousins and it was so much fun to spend time with the fam and celebrate the best momma in the world! She is a beautiful woman, inside and out, and my sisters and I are very blessed to have such an amazing role model.

Momma and her girls. I posted this on FB and so many people commented that she could be our sister... I agree :).
Carter found and bag of pretzels and carried them around, pretty much the whole afternoon. He was nice enough to pass them around to his cousins, when they wanted one.

Me and my sweet Will!

The little guys of the family. Carter can be a bit bossy and mean to Brylin at times, but was very sweet to him today (thank goodness!). They are such adorable little guys!

Amy and her little man.

Jordan and Brandon... The little boys wanted to climb the fence so much after they saw them. Love my big boys!

My other sweet nephews

We tried really hard to get a group picture with Mammaw and the boys, but it didn't work out. So we took individual pictures.

Will and Carter with their Mammaw... best that we could do :). They adore her (even though pictures were not much of a priority here)!

I can't believe these 2 are now taller than my mom now. The 1st grandchildren :).

Sweet little Colton and Mammaw

Cash was the most excited about the picture, I must say. He is SUCH a mammaw's boy!

Finally, Mammaw with the baby of the fam.

Aunt Sissy and Brylin

We got a yummy oreo cake for the birthday girl. All of the kiddos LOVED singing happy birthday and most of all - getting sugar highs!

And, Eddie gave Carter an afro... one of his favorite things to do when he needs a haircut.

It was a great night! We love you so much, momma and look forward to many more celebrations!

1 comment:

The Gapens said...

Happy Birthday to a very beautiful and sweet woman!

Loved the post!